Digital Outlook Report

Die Agenturgruppe Avenue A/Razorfish hat vor einiger Zeit den hochinteressanten Digital Outlook Report 2008 veröffentlicht. Darin geht es um das Verhalten von Konsumenten im Digitalen Raum. Einige sehr interessante Erkenntnisse dabei und daher den Download wert; ich hab ihn auch erst kurz überflogen. Den Report stellt freundlicherweise Guy Kawasaki zur Verfügung; er hat dabei schon einige Highlights herausgepickt (Hervorhebungen von mir):

Only a few years ago, a Web site’s home page was the most prime piece of digital real estate a publisher could offer. Not so much today, however. The relevance of the home page as a media buy is on the wane. Search, social networks, blogs, and RSS (among a host of other online sources) are driving more and more users deep into today’s Web properties. Now, the majority of consumers bypass a site’s home page completely.

Every page is now a home page, each of which will have a wider reach, a lasting shelf life, and the ability to attract a new audience like never before. To capitalize on this, ensure that every page has a strong, clear global navigation scheme and related content that is visibly promoted.

Despite user requests for a single mobile, PC, or gaming device to do everything, we found users increasingly willing to embrace multiple devices — even when those devices possess overlapping capabilities.

Consumers don’t see the Internet as something distinctly different from their offline worlds anymore, and they expect seamless transitions. Every key consumer activity has online and offline components — each one contributing to the total experience. The reason? Finally, the online world is getting more social, and as a result, more like the offline world.

Einiges hört sich dabei nach Binsenweisheiten an, aber man muss bedenken, dass dahinter eine ganze Menge Research und sicher auch eine Latte an Befragungen steckt.